The Darkness of God: An Easter Story
“The morning! The morning! I am caught by the morning, and I am a ghost!”
– CS Lewis, The Great Divorce
Darkness. I have often pondered darkness. It attracts evil like a magnet. Why shouldn’t it? It’s easy to hide in the dark, if you have something to hide—and most of us do. It beckons the bad guys—or at least the bad parts in each of us—and shrouds a host of foul creatures. I lean against the edge of the pier and gaze at the city of lights shimmering across the water from a dozen anchored freighters off the docks of Astoria. The dark doesn’t seem so scary when the moon shines brightly. Where does the bogeyman go on a midsummer night? Why does he cease his haunting on a night like
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Every child of Adam is justified through Christ (Romans 4:5). To all, both godly and ungodly, the voice of the conscience comes. It comes absolving them from the bad decisions of their fathers. It comes declaring that God has come to the womb of all men. He has set up His throne in their hearts—overshadowing them with Himself—and pronouncing them innocent.
God’s extravagant gift is timeless, coming to saint and sinner throughout history regardless of culture or knowledge of the disciplines of God. “Do you think for a minute that this blessing is only pronounced over those of us who keep our religious ways and are circumcised? Or do you think it possible that the blessing could be given to those who never even heard of our ways, who were never brought
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